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Know What to Expect Before Visiting Our Dentistry

Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry is proud to serve new and returning patients at our office in Brecksville, OH. Our patients visit from everywhere throughout the Greater Cleveland area – including Bath, Broadview Heights, Independence, North Royalton, Richfield, Seven Hills, Sagamore Hills, and beyond. Residents of North East Ohio recognize us as the premier dental clinic in the region, with first-rate dentists and a comforting, friendly staff. Patients who have experienced the exceptional treatment and care we provide know the routine, but our first-time patients may need guidance before their first visit. If you fall into the latter category, peruse the useful information we have compiled below to know what to expect from our dental facility. Also, feel free to call with any questions of your own.

Comprehensive Patient Information Resources

For your convenience, the team at Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry has put together an assortment of resources to help you before and during your first visit to our office. We strive to provide high-quality care at all times, and outlining what you can expect is part of our thorough approach to oral healthcare. After scheduling your appointment, please read through the following tools for comprehensive patient information:

Oral Sedation Dentistry
First Visit

We want to help you prepare for your first visit, so we have outlined a few things you should know before arrival. Our team values all of our patient relationships, so your first visit will include a thorough discussion of your dental and medical history as well as lifestyle habits and any oral health concerns you may have. A comprehensive understanding of your situation will help us develop treatment plans that fit your timeline and budget. Feel free to also bring questions for us.

Patient Information Forms

Though we ask that you arrive for your first appointment roughly 15 minutes early to fill out new patient forms, you can expedite that process and reduce wait time by completing your forms before you get here. By submitting your information online, it will automatically upload to our system and allow us to prepare your file. Be careful to select the correct form – adult or child – before proceeding.

Financing Options

We recognize that while oral healthcare is a necessary expense, it can put a considerable strain on your budget, especially if you are receiving care for the whole family. Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry wants to ensure you do not avoid essential care due to budgetary restrictions, so we offer financing options when possible. Other forms of payment we accept include cash, checks, and credit cards.

Oral Sedation Dentistry
Post-Surgical Care

If you visit our dental clinic in Brecksville, OH for a surgical procedure, you may require after-surgery care. We will let you know what to expect after an oral operation and ways to expedite healing while avoiding complications. Our dentist will provide you with complete post-operative instructions to follow after you leave our office.

Educational Dental Videos

Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry has compiled a library of educational dental videos to help you learn more about the importance and foundation of oral healthcare. Choose from videos related to general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and orthodontics.
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Oral Sedation Dentistry
Frequently Asked Questions

To complement our collection of educational dental videos, we have provided answers to a host of frequently asked questions. We are happy to speak with you on the phone or in our office to answer any queries you may have, but there is a wealth of knowledge at the click of a button on our website. Learn about tooth decay, gum disease, tooth sensitivity, dental solutions, and much more.

Contact Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry Today

Your smile is a major component of your appearance and a significant factor in your oral health. Therefore, you should take the same care in choosing a dental provider as you do your primary care physician. The team at Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry is proud to serve the North East Ohio community with exceptional dental services for patients of all ages. Before visiting our technologically-advanced dental clinic in Brecksville, OH, peruse our comprehensive patient information resources. Then, contact us to schedule an appointment.

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