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Are you tired of hiding your smile? Looking for a permanent solution to missing teeth? Dental implants offer a way to restore your confidence and comfort. However, tooth loss, cavities, and gum disease are common dental issues that raise questions about who can safely get dental implants. The question is perhaps even more important for anyone considering All-on-4 implants, which replace an entire arch of teeth using only four strategically placed implants.

If you’re dealing with dental issues, the decision to get implants may be complicated by the current state of your oral health. Explore what makes someone a good candidate for All-on-4 implants and whether cavities or gum disease are disqualifying factors.

A woman holding her cheeks needs Gum disease treatment in the Brecksville area & nearby areas

Should You Get Implants If You Have Gum Disease?

Before anyone with dental health issues considers implants, the first step is to schedule an in-depth consultation with a qualified dental professional. During this consultation, the dentist will assess the health of your gums, teeth, and jawbone to see if All-on-4 implants are an option. Factors like bone density, the severity of gum disease, and the presence of untreated cavities affect this determination.

Candidates for All-on-4 need sufficient bone density to support the implants. The dentist will look at your bone structure and strength in areas where the implants will be placed. Conditions like advanced gum disease or extensive tooth decay may need to be addressed first to create a clean slate for the implants.

Managing Existing Dental Issues Before Implants

A candidate with significant untreated dental issues might require preliminary care, like tooth extraction, gum disease treatment, or a bone graft, before moving forward with implants. Here’s what each of these treatments entails.

  • Tooth Extraction

With All-on-4 dental implants, the aim is to replace all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw—or both—using just four implants to support a full arch of replacement teeth. Since all the natural teeth will be removed, treating cavities individually with fillings or root canals is usually unnecessary. Instead, the dentist will likely extract any remaining decayed or damaged teeth to prepare for the implants.

  • Gum Disease Treatment

Since cavities aren’t a big concern, the focus shifts to creating a healthy environment in the jaw and gums. Advanced gum disease is one of the biggest hurdles to receiving All-on-4 implants. After all, untreated infections can erode the bone required to support the implants.

To address this, dentists may recommend scaling and root planing, a deep-cleaning procedure that removes plaque and tartar below the gum line. In more severe cases, advanced techniques such as the Solea Laser may be recommended. The Solea Laser allows dentists to remove infected gum tissue and eliminate bacteria more precisely and with less discomfort than traditional dental tools.

  • Bone Grafts

When jawbone loss is severe due to gum disease or prolonged tooth loss, a bone graft might be necessary. Bone grafting involves transplanting a small amount of bone tissue to areas where it’s needed, allowing the bone to rebuild and strengthen over time. Although a bone graft extends the implant timeline, it is sometimes essential to ensure that All-on-4 implants are stable and effective in the long term.

Can All-on-4 Implants Be Placed with Existing Issues?

In some cases, implants may still be possible, even with existing dental concerns, but this depends on the extent and severity of the problem. For example, mild gum disease may be managed alongside the implant process, with treatments spaced out to minimize risk. Dentists can also place implants strategically, taking advantage of denser, healthier bone areas to improve stability and longevity without a bone graft. As long as the dental issues are minor or isolated, proceeding with All-on-4 should be feasible.

However, placing implants without addressing underlying dental problems first raises the risk of implant failure. One common concern is that infections from gum disease will spread to the implants, eventually compromising their stability. Attempting to place an implant in a weak jawbone could cause a similar outcome. For this reason, it’s usually in a patient’s best interest to tackle dental health issues head-on before proceeding with implants.

Working with a Dental Professional

Ultimately, asking a dentist to weigh in is the only way to accurately determine whether All-on-4 implants are right for you despite your pre-existing dental issues. This medical professional can assess your unique situation, evaluating factors like gum health, jaw strength, and bone density to recommend the best course of action. The tools used to assess these areas include photos, X-rays, and 3D imaging. Since All-on-4 implants require a significant investment of time and money, consulting an experienced dentist who will offer an honest, professional opinion is the best way to ensure a safe procedure with long-lasting results.

Finding the Right Dentist

For a procedure as complex as All-on-4 dental implants, you can’t choose just any dentist—you must find one with specific experience in this area, preferably who has worked with a patient in a similar dental health situation.

At Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry, we’re confident we can meet your needs. Our family-centric practice offers advanced, compassionate care ranging from preventative cleanings to minimally invasive laser gum treatments. Then, we offer multiple types of All-on-4 implants to meet each patient’s unique needs. Expect world-class care using top-tier technology in a warm, welcoming environment.

Choose our practice to make your implants a reality, and we’ll ensure a smooth process led by dentists and staff who prioritize your health and comfort. Schedule your appointment at our office in Brecksville, OH, today.